How to Enjoy Kayaking in Abu Dhabi - For an unforgettable adventure!

 Kayaking is a great sport, and it's one that a lot of people look forward to doing in their free time and when they're on vacation. After a little practice, you'll be gliding across the water with ease on your paddleboard. Before setting off on your own kayaking adventure, you should make sure that you have a solid skillset and then do some trip preparation to ensure a successful experience. When you are making plans for your vacation, here are a few points to bear in mind!

Image via Anantara Sir Bani Yas Island Al Sahel Villa Resort

Selecting an ideal package

Make up your mind early on whether you want to take a tour by yourself or one that is led by a trained guide. Your worries about the planning of the trip will be alleviated, and most of the work will be handled on your behalf if you choose a guided tour. Keep in mind that you also need to make a decision on the sort of equipment you have to pack. You have the option of renting either a whole or half kayak gear set if you find it troublesome to chug around the gear. Kayaking is regarded as one of the most popular activities in Abu Dhabi. As such, many resorts provide the equipment and guided tours. You might look at accommodations like Anantara Sir Bani Yas Island Al Sahel Villa Resort if you are interested in finding a place to stay that provides such activities for its guests. 

Dressing for the conditions of the water rather than the weather of the day 

If the temperature is soaring, you may wish to go kayaking while wearing just a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. On the other hand, the water can be ice cold. Due to this, you should focus more on how you are suited for the water than how the weather will be. You'll be pleased you didn't dress for the heat if you end up being soaked.

How to Determine Which Kayak Is Best for You! 

Kayaks are available in a wide range of lengths, widths, and depths, ranging from elongated and slender racing boats to short, wide, and deep freestyle boats. You need to make sure that the kayak you choose is suitable for the waterways in which you will be paddling it. You will need a flatwater kayak, for instance, if you're going to be paddling on bodies of water like lakes or even rivers.

A Buoyancy Aid  

Wearing a buoyancy aid is vital whether you are just starting out in kayaking or are an experienced paddler. A buoyancy aid is quite similar to a life jacket; however, it has greater mobility. Due to this, it is much more convenient to use a buoyancy aid while kayaking. Even if you are a skilled aquanaut, you can't predict when you may come across challenges when you're out on the water.

 Bring along some spare clothing 

Another helpful piece of information that may so easily be ignored is this one. Always have a change of clothing on hand at all times, regardless of whether or not you believe you will get wet.

Rescue protocols

Even though it is quite rare that you would capsize on your first voyage, particularly when you are in calm and placid seas, it would still be a good idea to just be prepared in case it does happen. In the event that your boat capsises, you should not leave it at any point. Make sure that you and your instructor go through an exercise that simulates a capsise. They will demonstrate the steps that need to be taken in order for you to reboard the boat.


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