How to Get the Best Out of Your Quarantine Stay in Thailand - Everything you ought to know about your quarantine stay!
Wondering how your quarantine in Thailand will go about? Well then, first you arrive in a van at the hotel's back entrance, disembark, and then you will be escorted to a waiting room by the staff here looking as if they work in a hospital. Your luggage will be sanitised and then you'll have to wait till your name gets called for check-in. This is how your quarantine will start. For more details regarding your quarantine in Thailand keep reading on!
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay |
The Room
You will get an incredible hotel room! If you look up the ASQ you'll be staying at before you leave for Thailand, you will find yourself staring at the exact same pictures. Plus, the beds are comfortable! You'll have access to your private balcony. Some visitors do feel as if the walls are starting to close in on them after some time being cooped in. At this point, you might want to rearrange your hotel room. It does help to kill some time too! Besides, you can check out a Pattaya quarantine hotel the likes of Avani Pattaya Resort to get an idea of what your experience will be like.
The Menu
The food will be wonderful in general! Per day, you'll have had about 8 breakfast options as well as 20 lunch and dinner options (even fit for vegetarian) to choose from. It will be great to be able to switch things up in your daily meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are brought to your door on a stylish little stand. However, there are no treats, so if you're a "snacker" it is highly recommended you bring some snacks with you! If you see an alternative called the American Fried Rice on the menu, avoid it as it will be terrible. Do not head first into Thai cuisine; your stomach might not be able to stand all those spices!
The Check-In
You'd get multiple knocks on your door every day. For instance, by the second day, you might have to visit a doctor to answer personal medical questions. You will have two temperature tests a day. COVID checks are performed in both the throat and the nose on day 5 and 11. Hearing a knock on the door is always fun and you never know what to expect!
The Entertainment
You will be given the chance to spend some time on the rooftop by day 7 if you receive a negative COVID inspection! After 7 days of being "stuck" in a hotel room, this will come across as a huge relief. It will be a good way to socialise, but you'll have to maintain social distancing. Apart from that, you'll spend a lot of time in the hotel room watching Netflix and doing random stuff like building forts, pointing out humans you saw from your balcony, playing cards, and doing your laundry by bucket washing. If you miss any of your favourite shows from home, it is recommended to get a VPN so that you can keep watching them while you're here. You can also catch up with friend and family back home via video calls!
The Experience
The emotional roller coaster you will be subjected to is undeniable. The first couple of days will be a little jet-lagged, but you'll be excited to be in Thailand looking forward to the things you can get up to after the quarantine. By Day 3, the reality of the quarantine may hit you hard. It will start fluctuating a couple more times over the course of the 2 weeks but being able to reach family and friends and see their familiar faces will be very beneficial. So, you must make sure that you have a common app to communicate through.
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