How to plan a surprise proposal

Has it reached the stage in your relationship where you are ready to pop the question? Planning a wedding proposal can be stressful, even more so when you are looking to make it a total surprise and sweep that special someone off their feet! Here are some key things to keep in mind as you get ready to ask that life-changing question.

Find the Right Time

Timing is all-important as many would know, even when it comes to meeting their life partner. The same is true when it comes to the proposal and you need to carefully think of when you are going to do it and the time. Consider not only what suits you, but your partner too and if getting others involved (more on that later on!) what is convenient for them as well.

It may help to know his or her schedule for the day you are planning the proposal since you don't want it to clash with something else. That's why date night is a great time to pop the question since you have their undivided attention!

Prepare in Advance

Though you may be the kind of person who "lives in the moment" and wants to be spontaneous, for a surprise wedding proposal, it helps to carefully plan ahead. Make sure you book the venue or make a reservation in advance if needed and have the ring ready; it's a bonus if you can get the ring size right though you have to be careful when finding such things out, in case they get wind of what's coming up!

It's also good to have a back-up plan in case things like the weather ruin your best-laid plans. If you are going to be using added elements like music or videos, make sure these are checked and ready on the day of the event. Also, keep in mind that as in life, not everything goes to plan, and you might not get that perfect moment you planned for. Be flexible, don't rush it and wait for when you feel is the "right moment"; sometimes that may even mean postponing the proposal for a few days.

Find the Right Location

The setting can play a big part in creating the right ambience and mood for the proposal, so give it a lot of thought too. It can be an intimate venue indoors, a spectacular outdoor backdrop or a place which has significance to both, like where you had your first date. While these may be close to "home", don't discount the idea of proposing while on holiday; for such instances, beachside or island getaways are perfect.

For example, at Maldives resorts, honeymoon escapes are quite popular, but they are ideal spots for proposals too since each property is on a private island. Asking for your partner's hand in marriage on a secluded beach amidst a glorious sunset will be truly magical. What's more, resorts the likes of Adaaran Select Meedhupparu also offer couples a chance to visit an uninhabited small island where they have it all to themselves; can you imagine a better setting for your surprise!

Get Others Involved

If you are a private person and want to do the whole surprise by yourself that's fine, though it helps to get a few involved depending on the type of proposal. If proposing at a place like a restaurant it is helpful to speak to the management and waiters beforehand. You can also get close friends or family in on the secret; some of them can play an active part by taking your partner elsewhere as you get ready for the surprise or even bring them to the location you have selected. While you can hire a professional photographer for the surprise, there's nothing like getting candid shots and videos from your nearest and dearest who will be there to share in the (hopefully!) good news.


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