How to Treat Yourself to a Much Needed Staycation
Lockdown is a good time as any to plan for yourself the most perfect staycation where you can enjoy the simple pleasures of staying in Singapore and making the most of what is close to you by approaching it with fresh eyes and an open mind. You can either stay at home or you can have a luxury hotel do the planning for you so all you have to do is turn up and have the time of your life. Here’s how to treat yourself to a staycation. 1. Hire Someone to Clean Your House While You’re Out One of the things about a staycation is that you can do it outside your house without going away for a long time. As such, it would be a perfect time to have someone over to your house for any small renovations or simply to clean everything up and arranging your furniture so that you know you’ll be coming back to a fresh and beautiful house and even that feeling will take away a lot of your stress. 2. Change Your Attire This can depend on what you are persona...